Panaji: Over a period of 12 years, minor irrigation schemes in Goa have declined by 20.9% to 6,133. Altogether, 739 (15%) ...
Gardeners are rediscovering an ancient technique that provides steady hydration to plants while conserving water: olla ...
Xeriscaping is a great way to lower water usage. This Arizona homeowner shared how they're using native plants to save water.
and linear move sprinkler), drip/trickle irrigation (surface drip irrigation, subsurface drip irrigation, family/gravity fed drip irrigation, in-line drip), bubbler irrigation, and spray irrigation.
Researchers from the Burnett Mary Regional Group (BMRG) have partnered with Taribelang Aboriginal Corporation (TAC), WYLD ...
Farmers in southwest Georgia will be able to apply for new or expanded permits to pump water from the Floridan Aquifer to ...
The term Xeriscape has been replaced with Florida Friendly Landscapes. I suppose because the term Xeriscape was constantly ...
Water is complex. So are the terms used to describe it. Get to know the language as Texas debates how to save its water ...
The fate of eastern and central Idaho’s farming — and of the state’s broader economy — depends on recharge funding. | Opinion ...