The original Block 0 design was based upon the infra-red seeker of the ... after missile launch. The Block 1A incorporates the added capability of autonomous IR-all-the-way guidance, thus ...
Case in point: [msylvain59] picked up a Soviet-era K-13 IR seeker used to guide air-to-air ... Fitting on top of a missile, the device isn’t that large anyway, but it is nothing like what ...
Guidance System: GPS/INS (Global Position/Inertial), Terminal IR Seeker (AGM-154C unique ... is a 1,000-pound air-to-surface missile that can carry several different lethal packages.
The test showcased the missile's sophisticated 'Man-in-Loop' capability, enabling in-flight retargeting. In the test, the NASM-SR made a direct hit on a small ship target in sea-skimming mode at ...
"The missile uses an indigenous Imaging Infra-Red Seeker for terminal guidance. The mission also demonstrated the high-bandwidth two-way data link system, which is used to transmit the seeker's ...