If you find yourself wanting to tunnel into a remote box and work with a production database, here's some helpful commands so you don't need to remember the weird SSH tunneling syntax: ...
某客户在使用触发器将 varchar(4000 char)列的数据从表 A 复制到表 B 时,表 B 上列的数据与 A 上对应列的数据不同且为乱码。 数据正确性无法保证。 YashanDB 在处理触发器场景下的 varchar(4000 char)列的数据复制时,处理机制有误。 解决方法及规避方式 将列的长度修改 ...
With SQLPage, you write simple .sql files containing queries to your database to select, group, update, insert, and delete your data ... you can store the files directly inside the database, in a ...