A scalp infection is caused by a pathogen, including viruses, fungi, parasites, or bacteria. These causes of scalp irritation and soreness can include: Treatment depends on the type of scalp infection ...
Understanding the difference between dandruff and dry scalp, two conditions that can cause a flaky scalp, can help you determine how to treat it. A dry scalp is caused by a lack of moisture (dry skin) ...
It is worth asking his GP to check the swelling sometime in the next week to make sure it is not due to an infected cyst or abscess in his breast, which although not serious, may need a short ...
Viral infection is the invasion of the body by a small agent known as a virus. Viruses replicate inside host cells and can produce toxins that cause disease. The immune system helps to destroy ...
Jangan diabaikan, Parents perlu paham tentang Dandy Walker Syndrome, kelainan bawaan yang memengaruhi perkembangan otak.