In order to maximize the value of IEEE publications to authors, users and the IEEE, the following IEEE copyright policies shall be applied throughout the IEEE: 1. IEEE shall serve and protect the ...
In accordance with IEEE Bylaw I-307. Nominations and Elections, individual voting members may propose, by petition, names to be added to the ballot for the offices that appear on the IEEE annual ...
Want access to more than one puzzle a day? Subscribe to the i Digital Subscription to unlock unlimited access to 27 daily puzzles online and in the app, plus additional content and exclusive ...
Wordle doesn't repeat words if it can help it. Perhaps one day the New York Times will need to start recycling old words, but there's an awful lot of viable five-letter words to choose from, so for ...
Want access to more than one puzzle a day? Subscribe to the i Digital Subscription to unlock unlimited access to 27 daily puzzles online and in the app, plus additional content and exclusive ...
Please bare this in mind when viewing the templates and writing your own. The templates are in PDF, Word Document and Google Docs. We have templates that can be used for launching new products, events ...