We’re studying to look at the best solution. Not just from a cost perspective, but for the communities in that footprint," ...
Neighbors on the border of Brunswick and Strongsville are applauding the transportation budget passed this week at the Ohio Statehouse.
Video released to the FOX 8 I-Team shows another wrong-way driver going for miles on a local highway, putting drivers in ...
Ohio lawmakers have passed an $11 billion-plus transportation budget that, among many other things, would repeal a state ...
One side of Interstate 71 was briefly closed Friday night, due to a crash with entrapment. Emergency crews responded to the ...
The state's rural arterial highways —two to four-lane highways connecting cities or regions— have the ninth-best pavement ...
It might be tough to convince Ohio drivers dodging potholes currently, but a new report ranks the state with the 10th best highway system report. The Reason Foundation’s 28th annual Highway Report, ...
Such conditions resulted in a pileup on Interstate 70 last week in western Kansas involving dozens of cars and trucks that ...
THUNDER BAY – ROADS UPDATE – Highway 17 is CLOSED in both directions from Dryden to Highway 71 due to deteriorating road conditions. Additionally, Highway 105 is CLOSED from Highway 17 in Vermilion ...
The new owners plan to spend about $2 million updating the 243,000-square-foot building, which opened in 2001.
Nathan Roger Mullins, age 71, of Laurel, Indiana died Tuesday morning, March 11, 2025 at Golden Years Nursing Center in Hamilton, Ohio following a lengthy illness. Born December 2, 1953 in Greensburg, ...