今日,日本网友@cosmicmind2nd分享了自己PSP爆炸的经历,相当惊险刺激。 该网友称:“在睡梦中,我听到了‘嘣’的一声,然后就醒了。我闻到了烧焦的味道,一检查,发现爆炸的电池和PSP都躺在了地上。我直接摸电池的时候被烫到了,一松手电池掉到了床上,被褥就被烧焦了。虽然最终只是指尖被烫伤了,但引发火灾的风险很大,大家要小心……” 小编在这里提醒大家,平时一定要多注意检查电子设备的电池有没有膨 ...
If you buy something using links in our stories, we may earn a commission. This helps support our journalism. Learn more. Please also consider subscribing to WIRED Hopefully, you won't find ...
Note: Although it may sound strange, many users have reported that leaving the Fast Startup feature turned on increased the boot-up times on their computers. If you, too, are experiencing slow ...
Get your partner and boot up the game. Split Fiction is a co-op exclusive game, meaning you're required to play with a partner. If you decide to play with a friend who's on another system, you'll have ...
AURORA, Colorado -- More young Americans have been signing up for the Air Force's delayed ... a waiting area where recruits prepare to ship out to boot camp. That means that the services will ...
When you boot up the game, connect to the servers, then bring up the menu and tab over to Items and Equipment. From here, select Login Bonus, and you’ll be rewarded with a Lucky Voucher.
A dozen Tesla vehicles burned at a store in Toulouse, France. Arson is suspected amid global protests and vandalism attacks against Tesla and Elon Musk. Last night, a dozen Tesla vehicles burned ...
You can set automatic deposits to an emergency fund, investment or retirement account to match up with your paydays. If your income is irregular, set reminders to manually transfer the money when ...
All the games on the list are fun to boot up, invite your buddies, and just mess around for a while, or go through the main objectives, and either way, it'll be a great time and a unique experience.
Gurus in various online communities have noted that some of these processors either fail during boot-up or stop working after some time in use. In one large Reddit megathread, more than 40 failure ...
When you first boot up the monitor, it will ask a few setup questions to toggle on certain settings like hub charging and auto-brightness. You answer these simple yes or no questions by using the ...