FOR all those interested in ghostly goings-on and the unexplained, rather than switching on the usual Hollywood fright-fest, ...
I certainly hope your 2010 was better, but whether it was good, bad, or a bonafide nightmare, here are some of the best of what 2010 horror had to offer you’ve likely forgotten about. Even better?
"They want something on set with interactive lighting." This is one of those iconic movie props that almost any movie geek ...
From 'Rope' to 'In A Violent Nature', these are 10 films to watch if you loved Steven Soderbergh's 'Presence'.
According to Good Housekeeping, most of the scenes filmed for the show take place on the family-owned MacInnes Farms in ...
Flying Lotus leaves you with a final memorable shot, but we fear this promising film concerned with memory will prove to be ...
Get ready to sleep with one eye open because these horror anime series are about to creep under your skin and haunt your ...
Paste Magazine is your source for the best music, movies, TV, comedy, videogames, books, comics, craft beer, politics and ...
It’s not a heavenly, Christian superhero film though. Rather, it’s a lurid tale that combines the most striking elements of ...
For centuries, horror has done one thing to women: put them on display — either to be desired, or to be destroyed. They are never allowed to survive untouched.