What was the cause of this heart-pounding pursuit, you ask? None other than an alpha hippo on a mission to defend its territory! Picture this: a serene river, a boat full of excited passengers, and ...
Welcome to Angry Hippo Attacks Zookeeper! In this video, we will watch an intense encounter between a zookeeper and an angry hippo at the Chongsha Ecological Zoo in China’s Hunan Province. The ...
She continued: "It makes me angry and it makes me sorry for other ... Asda and Asda Express branded petrol forecourts. The cuts mean that the average price at the supermarket's forecourts today ...
Friday, 14th March is a good day because it's the day Jade treated us to another solo single as she gears up for her debut solo album. Following the release of tracks like 'Angel Of My Dreams' and ...