IT之家 3 月 14 日消息,科技媒体 Ars Technica 于 3 月 11 日发布博文,报道称惠普承认其 LaserJet 200 系列部分打印机设备存在固件问题,并表示团队正在积极解决,受影响的用户可通过惠普官方支持页面寻求帮助。
HP aside, it’s a busy week for printers, with Brother recently being accused of throttling certain devices with firmware ...
Now we can't say that this 15.6-inch HP touch laptop will help bring your grades up, but we tell you that you're going to save $200. HP 15 15.6" Touch Laptop Specs: Intel i7, 512GB SSD, 16GB RAM ...