这应该是目前最便宜的27英寸、2K、200Hz主流参数电竞显示器,600多的价格就能入手泰坦军团 P2710R2,能够满足办公和电竞的不同需求,即便是放在目前互卷极为激烈的显示器市场依然很有竞争力,另外用的还是国产高质量的IPS面板,虽然国内市场内卷非常激烈,但就这些电竞参数来看在千元内价位依旧非常能打,新机的实际表现究竟如何,值不值得买,本篇实测将详细解读。 ▲这款机器参数方面和前几天的P271 ...
While it lacks built-in speakers and its HDR performance is limited, the U3225QE’s extensive connectivity and high-quality display make it a standout choice for professionals who need a central ...
The MyTeam game mode has been the place to be for competitive NBA 2K players. Building your team from ground zero is a thrill of its own, but it may cost a fortune if you’re looking to bring all ...
由于需要硬件支持,上线初期仅限于安卓旗舰机型,官方此前确认骁龙 8 Gen2 及后续芯片均支持 Ultra HDR 格式照片拍摄。 据此前报道,小米 14 / 14 Pro 手机发布于 2023 年 10 月,系列机型首发骁龙 8 Gen3 处理器,采用 LPDDR 5+ UFS 4.0 + FBO 焕新存储,配备 1.5K 直屏 / 2K 微 ...
IT之家2 月 21 日消息,随着 HDR(高动态范围)内容的日益普及,用户对在安卓设备上截取 HDR 截图的需求也逐渐增加。此前,由于大多数内容仍以标准动态范围(SDR)形式呈现,安卓系统并未支持 HDR 截图。然而,如今 HDR 内容的流行使得用户在截取包含 HDR 元素 ...
IT之家 2 月 20 日消息,惠科(HKC)今天宣布推出两款显示器新品,下周上市: G27H4 经典版:2K 260Hz 电竞小钢炮 ... 此外,它还通过了 HDR 400 认证 ...
Brace yourselves, football fans. It's time to sit back and enjoy the final game of the NFL season — and it should be a good one. Here is everything you need to know about Super Bowl 59 ...
However, when you use a dual monitor setup, it is quite difficult to use a single wallpaper on both of the monitors. The main problem occurs when two monitors have two different resolutions.
Who doesn’t like watching their favorite movies and shows with the best possible quality? HDR in Windows is there to make your wish possible. But first, we need to check if HDR is supported on a ...