A cross-sectional study investigated whether the exposure of sewer workers to hydrogen sulfide (H2S) was associated with reduced lung function. Sixty-eight sewer workers and 60 water treatment ...
Exposure to hydrogen sulfide or H2S can be harmful to human health, with effects ranging from irritation to severe respiratory issues. Protect your people, profits, and the environment with ...
The data displayed for this chart goes back to 1994, however we hope to be able to offer deeper historic information at a future point ...
Rake cited cases from the Tijuana River in California as providing a “basket full” of information about the dangers of hydrogen sulfide exposure. Pollution from the gas there has led to investigations ...
The Hot 100 is the United States’ main singles chart, compiled by Billboard magazine based on sales, airplay and streams in the US. View the full Hot 100 here.
What do you wonder? By The Learning Network A new collection of graphs, maps and charts organized by topic and type from our “What’s Going On in This Graph?” feature. By The Learning ...
Send us a tip using our anonymous form. A daily briefing on what matters in the music industry ...
bLUe - A simple and comprehensive image editor featuring automatic contrast enhancement, color correction, 3D LUT creation, raw postprocessing, exposure fusion and noise reduction ...
Chart.js support. There are three major Chart.js versions currently in use. Please refer to version badges below to check if a library supports your version of Chart ...