While familiarity with the term “grafting” is widespread among gardeners, a true understanding of what grafting is and why it is done is not so common. In a nutshell, grafting is a ...
Northwest Fruit Treasurer Dennis Davenport speaks about the unique nature of the organization at the NW Fruit Winter Field ...
This is the fifth video in a 5 part series on seed saving for fruit and vegetable plants. In this episode (Ep5) I explain how I save plants in the category I call "Cuttings & grafting" from our ...
FARMINGTON — University of Maine Cooperative Extension is set to offer a workshop on bench grafting apple trees from 5-7 p.m.
University of Maine Cooperative Extension will offer a Bench Grafting Apple Trees workshop from 5 – 7 p.m. on Friday, March ...
Boxes of fruit tree branches lined the walls of the Washington State University Mount Vernon Research and Extension Center on ...
Previous studies on rootstock-scion compatibility have mainly focused on graft survival rate, plant growth and development, and fruit yield and quality (Mudge et al., 2009; Melnyk and Meyerowitz, 2015 ...
April 10 is the registration deadline for the 25th Annual Bay de Noc Gardening Conference in Escanaba. Only preregistration[s] will be accepted. The event will be held at Bay College on Saturday, ...
The Directorate of Cinchona and Other Medicinal Plants (DCOMP) in collaboration with Cluny Women’s College, held the ...
It's that time of year. A tree that looks like something from Dr. Seuss is about to bloom in Central New York.