Two recent developments suggest how familiar properties of gravity and matter may emerge from the quantum geometry that underlies loop quantum gravity. In everyday situations, and even in current ...
Our recent work in this area spans a diverse range of topics, including superoscillations (the physics and mathematics of functions varying faster than ... the top-left picture above), a levitating ...
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That work, too, appeared in Nature Physics. In the current work, the team adapted ARPES to measure the quantum geometry of a kagome metal. Kang stresses that the new ability to measure the quantum ...
In a new study published in Physical Review D, Professor Ginestra Bianconi, Professor of Applied Mathematics at Queen Mary ...
Geometric optics is a confusing subject for many physics students, who often first encounter the subject in introductory college physics classes. Traditional instruction in geometric optics is not as ...
Published in Nature Physics, this pioneering study establishes the new field of higher-order topological dynamics, revealing how the hidden geometry of networks shapes everything from brain ...