Looking for Geoculus in? Use this interactive map to find every single one of these Adventure Items in the Liyue region.
Genshin Impact 5.5 is coming your way. Catch up on the release date, banners, events & quality of life improvements.
Version 5.5 of Genshin Impact will finally add controller support on Android, something that iOS players have had for more ...
Where to find all Anemoculus locations in Genshin Impact, as well as the map locations for Statues of The Seven where you can ...
The version 5.5 update for Genshin Impact, dubbed “Day of the Flame’s Return,” will launch on March 26, developer miHoYo ...
Genshin Impact's Android version will finally get official controller support with the upcoming Version 5.5 update. (Play ...
At long last I can use a controller to play Genshin Impact on mobile and not rely on touch-screen controls to activate ultimates.
Genshin Impact players on Android phones will finally be able to use controllers while playing following the next update. The ...
Version 5.4 of Genshin Impact is drawing to a close, with the 5.5 update all set to release shortly. The Genshin Impact 5.
Like, literally, you are the definition of a people pleaser, but that’s fine because the characters in Genshin Impact are cool.