One common hedge plant that can cause problems is the Chinese privet, otherwise known as Ligustrum sinense,' says Reese Robbins, garden expert and creator of Just Pure Gardening. Considered an ...
P runing is essential to garden maintenance, and knowing the right approach will ensure that your prized plants remain ...
Pennsylvania falls within the defined USDA Northeast region of the U.S.: the western Pennsylvania specific USDA Planting Zone ...
Source the whips from your local garden centre. Or try a web search; there are a number of companies that provide native hedging plants in mixed bundles by mail order. It's also worth contacting ...
Wanting to add some new plants to your yard? Duval County's master gardeners will offer expert advice at their annual plant sale on March 15.
While spring may still be another month away yet, there is plenty to do in the garden to prepare ... bad news for some evergreen shrubs and hedges as these plants don’t respond well to pruning ...
With spring ever so close, the urge to have that beautiful garden color can seem nagging. Here are ways to force the start of ...