Srikanth Velamakanni, co-founder and group CEO of Fractal, recently shared a pivotal moment from the company’s early days, calling it “the worst mistake of my life.” In a LinkedIn post, he recounted ...
The package provides a nice and easy wrapper around Fractal for use in your Laravel applications. If you don't know what Fractal does, take a peek at their intro. Shortly said, Fractal is very useful ...
In an exclusive interaction with AIM, Suraj Amonkar, Chief AI Research & Platforms Officer at Fractal, explained that is not intended to serve as a diagnostic tool but as an information ...
A fractal butterfly pattern produced by an unusual configuration of magnetic fields, first predicted almost 50 years ago, has been seen in detail for the first time in a twisted piece of graphene.
Blood vessels in tumors regressing after hormone removal had the notable characteristics of not only reducing their overall density but also returning to fractal scaling and function similar to ...
We will add recommendations over time.
This is a quick and dirty processing sketch to render some fractals. You can read more about it at my website, link in my profile's README.
A nearly exponential surge in patent activity related to space exploration, particularly over the past decade and a half, has captured a snapshot of these developments. Along with these ...
But other measures are also being examined and one notion the Canadian government should consider is suspending patent rights held by U.S. companies, including pharmaceutical companies ...
BlackBerry’s iconic patent for keyboards on mobile devices expires today after being filed in 2005. The company shot to success in the early 2000s with what are essentially the world’s first ...
9,279/1996 – the Brazilian IP Law) and by guidelines from the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI or Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office – BPTO), such as the Guidelines for ...