The facility will connect four floating LNG units to existing onshore pipelines and transport the gas to the global market ...
The floating liquefied natural gas processing facility and marine export terminal in Kitimat has a price tag of almost $6 ...
Cedar LNG project, on B.C.'s North Coast, is set to be the largest majority Indigenous-owned project in Canada.
# ANNUAL fuel savings of $50m are forecast from a new liquefied natural gas (LNG) facility during its first phase - and rising up to $180m in its fourth phase. # The Davis administration has signed ...
Canada says it is putting $200 million toward the construction of a liquefied natural gas plant off the coast of British ...
Germany said it’s looking for partners to sub-charter some floating liquefied natural gas terminals after disputes and ...
The row between DET and Hanseatic is the latest bump in the road for Germany’s array of FSRU-based LNG import terminals which ...
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Summit LNG challenged the legality of the interim government’s decision to scrap a previously agreed deal for a second FSRU ...
When you click on “Accept all”, you consent to ads on this site being customized to a personal profile we or our advertising ...
Floating LNG import terminals in France and Germany have remained largely idle despite high natural gas prices and increased European demand, due to high operational costs that make them uncompetitive ...