The Pueblo Zoo has recently said goodbye to three beloved animals and hello to a new Watusi bull. Here's what to know.
The Pueblo Zoo has welcomed two new animals with the arrival of springtime. Both will call the farm exhibit, Pioneer Ranch, ...
WELLINGTON, Ohio (WJW) — Humane agents seized more than 200 farm animals, reportedly kept in “deplorable and inhumane” ...
In May 2018, Joe Exotic agreed to surrender the wolf dogs that came from the Minnesota farm. During this time, LARC rescued ...
Many creatures have imprinted on our hearts — and even a city sidewalk — for making their homes near ours. Here’s a look back ...
An animal sanctuary in Larimer County, Colorado, is a safe haven for wolf dogs, animals that are part dog and part wolf. It ...
Animals died after a barn caught fire early Monday morning, according to the Louisville Fire Department. Around 4:15 a.m., ...
In an effort to become more of a one-stop shop, Frisky Girl is offering more than just vegetables this year, both in its CSA ...
"We had thought we'd done so good to have the fencing and keep them in at night," Caroline Willette said after the death of ...
LOUISVILLE, Ky. (WDRB) -- Several animals were killed early Monday morning in a barn fire off Newburg Road in Louisville.