Archaeologists have discovered iron objects at six sites in Tamil Nadu, dating back to 2,953–3,345 BCE, or between 5,000 to 5 ...
In the blast furnace, it is so hot that carbon monoxide can be used, in place of carbon, to reduce the iron(III) oxide: iron(III) oxide + carbon monoxide → iron + carbon dioxide The blast ...
Reduction is the gain of electrons by a substance. It is also the loss of oxygen from a substance. For example, copper(II) oxide can be reduced to form copper when it reacts with hydrogen: ...
But they weren't only interested in astronomy. The extraction of iron, which led to the Iron Age, is a chemical process which early metallurgists developed without understanding any of the science ...
Chennai: India holds a $6 billion potential of extracting secondary copper, iron, aluminium and gold from e-waste. However, just $1.1 billion is being recovered currently. India generated 3.8 ...