TERRIFYING demons are something most of us only see in a horror movie, but Ian Lawman even sees them at the supermarket. As ...
History is rarely kind to the horror genre. For every work that manages to worm its way into the cultural unconscious — for ...
It's frankly impressive that The Exorcist franchise has delivered so many dud sequels, prequels, and spin-offs from William ...
去年出版的《驱魔人之屋:起源/The Exorcist's House:Genesis》是尼克·罗伯茨的高口碑驱魔小说《驱魔人之屋》的后续,口碑同样不俗。我读完前作觉得还不错,就找来这部续作读,读完感觉还是不读更好……下面是简单的泄底和感想—— ...
Written and directed by Michael Shanks, the movie got rave reviews out of Sundance, with The Hollywood Reporter's David ...
As the Malaga Festival’s Country Guest of Honor, the Dominican Republic has sent some standouts, led by 'Perez Rodriguez' ...
"I was so young when I watched this, and I became too afraid to swim in the deep end of swimming pools when I was a kid. I kept imagining Jaws popping out of the pool filter and eating me. I’ve gotten ...
However, these titles have all vanished, often replaced by lower-budget, straight-to-VOD movies with eerily similar single-word names, such as Demonic, Desolate, and Incarnate. However, Netflix still ...
This psychological horror film revolves around the story of a family after the death of a grandmother, the film explores the themes of trauma and fate.
The first Mononoke film was focused on the lower rank of concubines in the imperial harem. Thematically, it was about giving ...
Max's top 10 movies list is constantly in flux, with each month bringing a new batch of films to the streaming service. But ...
These FIVE movies have one thing in common: they’ll get under your skin like an unrelenting mosquito bite, leaving you ...