研究通过将传统CBE的脱氨酶替换为引入了关键突变的腺嘌呤脱氨酶TadA8e,在斑马鱼中开发了胞嘧啶碱基编辑器工具包zTadA-CBEs。zTadA-BE4max打破了传统的序列偏好,使得GC和CC基序中的C也能被高效编辑,而且比团队之前开发的zevoCDA1-BE4max具有更高的编辑纯度 ...
Only the on-target editing window is shown. Supplementary Figure 6: Cell survival following transfection with AAV plasmids encoding TadA8e variants. Cell survival percentage calculated using Countess ...
The TALE sequences and plasmids used were designed as reported in [9]. To construct the plasmids used in the cell screen, the functional domain was changed to varying architectures of TadA8e, ...
Etanercept and adalimumab are both recommended to be available as routine commissioning treatment options for deficiency of adenosine deaminase type 2 (DADA2) within the criteria set out in these ...