Any self-respecting hacker knows the answer, and when presented with an opportunity to equip his lab with a new DIY syringe pump for $200 ... s so much gear to make.
This DIY science project lets you explore the intersection of motors and water flow, using a small motor to pump water. Not only will you create a useful tool, but you'll also learn key concepts ...
"When I am painting inside, I can hear the gentle trickling of the water. So peaceful!" To make an old fountain function ...
But you have to admit that a pump that works without any apparent energy inputs looks kind of shady at first glance. The apparatus in question is a ram pump, a technology dating back all the way ...
David Whitman of South Pasadena works out of his patio to make water pumps that he likes to call “little fire engines.” He describes them as self-contained sprinkler systems that pump water ...