DC Studios has unveiled its most ambitious production schedule to date, with plans that rival Marvel Studios in both scope and scale. During an extensive press event attended by ComicBook, DC ...
目前国内汽车行业对于整车低压48V电源系统有很大的热情, 48V并不是一个全新的技术,在过去几年无论是燃油车还是新能源车都有使用48V作为辅助 ...
They may be competitors, but the "Big Two" of comics – Marvel and DC, as if that needed spelling out – actually have a long-history of collaboration and communication. Last year the publishers ...
DC Studios announces three new animated series: Starfire, My Adventures with Green Lantern, and Super Powers. In addition to the updates on existing projects, DC Studios co-chairs James Gunn and ...
IT之家2 月 23 日消息,据“九号公司”官方微博,九号 Ninebot 现推出一款“九号电动逆变器 800”,主要用来连接所有新国标 2+4 接口 48V 锂电池使用,可作为便携式储能设备 (移动电源),将于 2 月 26 日首销,不过定价尚未公布。 IT之家获悉,相应逆变器拥有 800W ...
Right now details are light on what exactly the two one-shots in the Marvel and DC crossover will consist of. There will surely be more concrete details announced at a later date as both Marvel ...
It’s been over two decades since the last significant crossover between comic book giants Marvel and DC. Since that time, Marvel became a subsidiary of Disney, while DC became an important IP ...
Modern comic books! But even then, in what is about to be eight-and-a-half-decades of Batman that’s still not a lot of relaunches–and DC is going all-in to make this fourth one stand out.
President Trump said Wednesday that the federal government should “take over the governance” of Washington, D.C. “I think that we should govern the District of Columbia,” Trump told ...