Iron oxide-copper-gold (IOCG) deposits are highly valuable concentrations of copper, gold and uranium ores. Copper skarn deposits, which in a broad sense are formed through chemical and physical ...
Assays were completed at ALS Global Laboratory, North Vancouver, BC as follows: *Cu-OG62: Standard assay, aqua regia solvent for copper oxides and sulphides, Four acid digestion and ICP finish 0.4g ...
White Energy Company Limited (ASX: WEC) has released the results of its recent drilling campaign at the Coronation prospect ...
True North Copper is set to breathe new life into a historic mine in Queensland, launching a 15-hole, 2900-metre RC drill ...
Oxide minerals dominate some upper sections of the deposits and assay work to determine the quantity of oxide versus sulphide hosted copper, gold and cobalt could prove valuable. This will also ...