Compliance assessment should be a necessary prerequisite of the introduction of new trade policies, the guidelines emphasize, requiring governments at all levels to assess proposed trade policies in ...
BEIJING, March 18 (Xinhua) -- China's Commerce Minister Wang Wentao said the country's trade policies toward trading partners, including the European Union, have consistently been stable, and welcomed ...
SFBC作为外国人来华商务服务领域的专业咨询平台,凭借其专业、高效、贴心的服务,为无数像米兰风这样的外国企业和个人解决了在华商务活动中遇到的各类问题。无论您是在人才招聘、外贸服务还是公司运营管理方面遇到困难,SFBC都将以其丰富的经验和专业的团队,为 ...
本月对中国征收新关税时,特朗普总统再次强调了他向北京提出的主要要求之一:控制那些助长芬太尼非法生产和向美国贩运的化学公司。长期以来,特朗普一直认为,中国是过去十年中导致40多万美国人死亡的药物过量的重要原因,他是对的。多年来,中国公司一直为世界各地的 ...
China stepped up its greening efforts last year, planting nearly 4.5 million hectares of forest, a report from the National Greening Commission said on March 12, which was also the 47th National Tree ...
A member of the 16th Chinese medical team talks to children about the importance of handwashing at the Frans Nambinga Arts ...
回顾我 11 月份的敏感度分析,收入增长假设在 15% 至 20% 之间,应该会让 The Trade Desk 的企业价值 (EV) 达到 288 亿美元至 402 亿美元之间。如今,其企业价值为 251.2 ...
"China has stood by us all the way," said Elia George Kaiyamo, Namibia's ambassador to China, highlighting the deepening bond ...
Tang Dongsheng, a professor at Foshan University, said that the consumer goods trade-in program significantly boosted demand in sectors like home appliances last year.
王文:因为我们都知道,在过去一个月里,特朗普总统再次发起了贸易战,并两次加征了10%的关税。我认为这给中国的对外贸易带来了巨大的压力。但即便如此,正如李成教授刚才提到的,目前中国国内的创新发展正在迅速推进,国内消费能够创造越来越多的需求,并支持经济的 ...
其实,在2024年4月印度人民院选举前夕,莫迪在接受美国《新闻周刊》专访时也曾表示,印中关系非常重要,印中双方亟需解决长期以来的边境问题,以克服双边关系异常干扰。2024年10月中印领导人喀山会见后,莫迪在社交媒体X上说:“印中关系对我们两国人民、对地区和全球和平与稳定都很重要。相互信任、相互尊重和相互敏感将指导双边关系。” ...
Since its launch, the Straits Times Index (STI) has been a key indicator of Singapore's economic development. In 1998, the index broadened its scope beyond industrial stocks, marking Singapore's shift ...