A whale-watching boat captain in Monterey, Calif., captured footage of a "super pod" consisting of over 2,000 dolphins swimming in the sea Charlotte Phillipp is a Weekend Writer-Reporter at PEOPLE.
Our guide goes over everything that you need to know about the Whale Event and how to catch the Moby Dick in Fisch. The post ...
“I felt that maybe it was a killer whale,” he explained. “We had been talking about orcas shortly before, so I had that in my head. But when I got out I understood that it was probably out ...
Brodsky, captain and videographer ... Northern right whale dolphins are one of only two species of dolphins with no dorsal fins, and the adults are glossy jet back, like orcas, with white bellies. " ...
A new civil lawsuit alleges that a state social worker dismissed abuse concerns before the death of 10-year-old Geanna Bradley in 2024. The new website helps working individuals and families learn ...
A killer whale swims next to a grebe in the waters just off Seattle on Sunday, March 3, 2025, moments before the bird was taken under water. The orca was part of pod of Bigg's killer whales that ...
A pod of orcas swam close to shore and amazed onlookers in Seattle by treating the whale watchers to the rare sight of the apex predators hunting a bird. And the unusual spectacle was all caught ...
the orcas offered more than just a passing view—they demonstrated a seldom-seen behavior. Muul, who runs Salish Wildlife Watch, a WhatsApp alert system for whale sightings in the Seattle area ...
that it could have been an orca or a sea monster," the 23-year-old told BBC Mundo. Adrián had started to think how he might survive inside the humpback whale "like Pinocchio" - then the creature ...
There was also a famous 19th-century hoax memorialised in the Eden Killer Whale Museum, where a man supposedly survived inside a whale for three days. However, this was impossible because “a ...
Conservation specialists are working to save the 90 remaining alive. False killer whale strandings in Tasmania are rare, with the last one occurring more than 50 years ago. In this photo provided ...
“But of course, I felt maybe it was a killer whale. We (him and his father) had been talking about orcas shortly before, so I had that in my head. But when I got out, I understood that, of ...