If they find a reliable food source, Canada geese will stay in Michigan year-round. And they are often a nuisance.
A Canada goose that endured over seven months with an 80-centimetre arrow embedded in his rear is making a full recovery at ...
Canada geese are typically herded off of lakes during their flightless feather-molting period in June. In the past they've ...
Wildlife biologists don’t believe the avian influenza outbreak is affecting Canada goose numbers, but they are scaling back ...
Do Canada geese still fly south for winter? Yes, but it's complicated Do Canada geese still fly south for winter? Yes, but it's complicated Bloody Skies: The Fight to Reduce Deadly Bird-Plane ...
They are highly territorial, aggressive and protected by law. A wildlife group is offering advice to prevent Canada geese from nesting in high-risk areas.
Whether you love geese or hate ... protective nesting structures. There were hiccups, to be sure, but Crawford's efforts paid off. The area's population of breeding Canada geese took off and ...
and egg and nest destruction in problem areas. The efforts historically also escalated to rounding up Canada geese, herding them off water bodies during their molted feather phase in June when ...