Manufacturers contest some of the findings as Health Secretary Robert F. Kennedy Jr. vows to tighten the FDA's regulation of ...
The FDA and HHS announced "Operation Stork Speed" Tuesday, which aims to increase testing for heavy metals and other ...
It's no secret that plastic water bottles are detrimental to the environment and to our health. Here are the best and worst ...
University of Kansas study finds BPA in plastic containers may trigger migraines. Learn how this common chemical affects your ...
My wife Amy purchased a gift card for our daughter at Sephora, the large retailer of beauty products, but all she got was ...
【Apple/充电器】每日使用的物品随时隐藏致癌危机!近日有英媒揭露,Apple官网有8款充电产品恐含有致癌物,长期使用可能影响生育及发育。当中有4款充电器在香港Apple官网亦有出售。 报道指,有至少8款苹果产品充电器,按照美国加州监管机构要求下附有警告标签,大部分列明“使你接触到包括双酚A在内的化学物质(expose you to chemicals including Bisphenol A ...
1 Department of Biology, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA, United States 2 Moores Cancer Center, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA, United States As breast cancer incidence ...
Oui, dans le secteur alimentaire, le bisphénol A permet de préserver le goût des aliments et de les protéger d’une contamination microbiologique. C’est principalement par le biais de l’alimentation ...
A study conducted by the University of Florida’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) found that leaving plastic water bottles in warm conditions can cause chemicals like antimony and ...