A dinosaur fossil discovered in Mongolia boasts the largest ever complete claw, but the herbivorous species only used it to ...
Some new residents coming to the Utica Zoo in May may roar louder than the lions, stand taller than the giraffes (if the zoo ...
New research suggests the violent explosions of dying stars may have caused two of Earth’s biggest mass extinctions millions ...
Vasuki indicus, a prehistoric snake fossil discovered in Gujarat, India, measures an astounding 49 feet in length, surpassing ...
They flattened forests, left massive craters and even killed the dinosaurs. Learn all about Earth’s hugest asteroid strikes.
As college basketball players vie for one shining moment, we imagine an impossible challenge between some of Colorado’s ...
Five 'mass extinctions' have decimated our planet since it was formed - now scientists claim the answers to two could be written in the stars.
Zavier, 14, Tauranga, New Zealand. Great question Zavier, and one that palaeontologists (scientists who study fossil animals ...
Sophie Powers, who will appear at all three Warped Tour stops, left a memorable impression during her 'American Idol' ...
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