Descriptors either retained from the M-CRIB protocol or newly specified here are indicated in regular font. Some anatomical axis descriptors (e.g., ‘anterior’) have been adjusted to retain anatomical ...
Why do some memories, especially those tied to strong emotions, feel so much more vivid and persistent? A recent study published in The Journal of Neuroscience provides answers, revealing that ...
All the causes in this list typically result in an anterior tear (damage to the cartilage in the front of the hip joint). You're most likely to tear the labrum during sudden, twisting or pivoting ...
Embarrassing memories stick with us, but not for other people. Even years later, we might cringe to think of the things we've done. But If it's so unpleasant, why do we do it?
Objective Most studies examining the time to return to sport (RTS) after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR) do not account for the athlete’s physical readiness. This study aimed to ...
The anterior tibial artery is located in the lower leg, running from the popliteal fossa just behind the knee down along the tibia and fibula, the major bones of the lower leg. It is a branch of the ...
This important study measures the functional specialization of distinct subregions within the mouse posterior parietal cortex (PPC) using mesoscopic two-photon calcium imaging during visual ...
The within-subject correlation revealed negative correlations in the anterior cingulate cortex and the cerebellum. Moreover, the dissociation pattern was observed in the within-subject analysis when ...
We investigated the role of visual (V1), posterior parietal (PPC), and frontal motor (fMC ... 1.7 mm lateral to Bregma) or fMC (1.5 mm anterior, 1 mm lateral to Bregma). Since the viral expression ...