Blood glucose is usually measured using invasive methods involving pricking small needles into the skin. But people suffering ...
New audio tech uses ultrasound to create isolated pockets of sound, enabling private listening without headphones.
Tessa Munt, MP for Wells and rural areas around Burnham-On-Sea, has welcomed “a wave of common sense” as EDF pauses saltmarsh ...
Struggling with E.D. can be embarrassing enough for men, but to have medications not work really makes it disheartening ...
New Solution Combines Code-Compliant, Network-Safe ERCES with Patented DAS IoT Technology to Speed Emergency Response for ...
Controlling where sound goes is difficult because of a phenomenon called diffraction – the tendency of sound waves to spread out as they travel. This effect is particularly strong for low-frequency ...
Researchers at the University of Gothenburg have developed a novel Ising machine that utilizes surface acoustic waves as an effective carrier of dense information flow. This approach enables fast, ...
EDF informed communities around the Severn Estuary that it was pausing work on proposals for new areas of saltmarsh at Kingston ...
Acoem ATD technology detects both the muzzle blast and the ballistic sound wave of a bullet in motion, allowing detection and ...
Todd Fink basically invented Indie Sleaze and all he got was a public nudity charge.
光钜微电子是一家集射频器件设计、研发、生产和销售的新型技术企业,是深耕体声波BAW(Bulk Acoustic Wave)滤波器芯片设计和晶圆制造,以及封装测试全流程为一体的IDM公司。近日,光钜微电子完成B+轮融资,该轮融资由武汉凡谷(002194)、湖北省铁路发展基金等多家知名产业资本及投资机构联合投资,融资总额达1.89亿元。本轮资金将用于扩大公司的主营业务和日常经营,补充公司经营性资金,进 ...
A team from the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) and the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), belonging to the ...