The Schuylkill County Chamber of Commerce said it's planning a forum with lawmakers to make sure they understand the impact ...
A 20-year-old Indian college student, Vishvaa Rajakumar, has won the Memory League World Championship, an online competition that tests participants’ ability to memorise and recall information at high ...
That includes roughly 115 billion aluminum beverage cans and 20 billion steel cans for food and other products. American can manufacturers source raw materials from both the U.S. and abroad.
Today, the Foshan aluminum billet market reported 120/170 yuan/mt, down by 20 yuan/mt; the Wuxi market processing fees were reported at 130/180 yuan/mt, down by 20 yuan/mt; and the Nanchang region ...
“截至2024年末,80后死亡率突破5.2%,相当于每20个80后中就有1人已经去世。”“80后的死亡率已经超过70后。”你是否也被类似的观点刷屏? 记者在微信平台以“80后死亡率”为关键词搜索文章,不但微信自带的AI搜索功能会向我推送这条数据,各种自媒体工作号 ...
Aluminum Profit Recovery: Capacity Under Maintenance Gradually Resumes Production in Early February [SMM Data] End-Use Demand Weakens, Leading to Inventory Buildup of Secondary Copper Rod Products ...