Prince Pipes and Fittings Limited, one of India's largest integrated piping solutions & multi polymer manufacturers with seven strategically located plants across the country, today announced the ...
A contractor is building a sidewalk on the north side of Browns Valley Road just west of Browns Valley Market. It is part of ...
If anyone wondered about where their tax dollars go, how a municipality operates, and what interesting things go on behind the scenes of everyday living, then Tay Township has a ...
Seven loans for water, sanitary sewer, and landfill projects were awarded through the State Revolving Fund (SRF) programs.
Students, mentors, and team supporters donning team colors watch robots clash on the playing field at the FIRST Robotics Los ...
Surat: The Airports Authority of India (AAI) has invited online bids for the “Provision of Rain Water Harvesting at Surat International Airport,” with an estimated ...
In a market where services contracts are often set on a fixed price basis, pipeline contractors cannot afford delays and ...
The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency awarded the East Central Solid Waste Commission $180,000 in grant funding to establish a reuse center at the Cambridge Transfer Station, a project aimed at ...
Harbor Freight's 5-gallon bucket is for more than just carrying tools and holding materials. Here are some innovative ways to ...
KINSTON, N.C. (WITN) - The City of Kinston has received a $2 million grant that will help them continue to replace aging lead pipes throughout the city and Lenoir County. The grant, from the North ...
Instead of wasting €10 billion on an unnecessary pipeline, a large-scale pipe replacement programme - covering at least 2% of ... If the ESB cannot maintain stable water levels for energy production, ...