the court heard he had been filling and selling 2,4-dinitrophenol capsules from all over the world. The court was also told that the capsules, also known as DNP, is a highly toxic industrial ...
At the time, Stirling Sheriff Court heard how George had been filling and selling 2,4-dinitrophenol capsules all over the world. The capsules, often referred to as DNP, contain highly toxic ...
These steps will do just that." DNP is the abbreviation used for a chemical called 2,4-Dinitrophenol. It's a yellow powder that's usually made into capsules. Initially, it was used in explosives ...
Cochran, J. B., Brit. Med. J., ii, 964 (1952). Alexander, W. D., and Johnson, K. W. M., Clin. Sci., 15, 593 (1956).