The Second Book in the Fascinating Memoir from Touro University Press Chronicles Shtetl Life as Never Described Before ...
Subject-verb agreement sounds easy, doesn’t it? A singular subject takes singular verb: Tom rides his bike to work every day. A plural subject takes a plural verb: The boys are climbing the walls like ...
Provide modest but critical support for high-quality student-initiated summer research projects across the entire Touro University System, to: develop student expertise in the design and conduct of a ...
Your military service and selfless patriotism have earned you the enduring respect and admiration of everyone at Touro University. We understand that your rigorous training and duty while a member of ...
Transitional words are like bridges between parts of your essay. They are cues that help the reader interpret your ideas. Transitional words or phrases help carry your thoughts forward from one ...
Look up dates and calendar information. Bookmark and download important documents and forms. Find a nearby library or lab, contact a Touro administrator, or find out more about programs and ...
Every paragraph should include a topic sentence that identifies the main idea of the paragraph. A topic sentence also states the point the writer wishes to make about that subject. Generally, the ...
In 1971, Touro College welcomed its first class of 35 students in Midtown Manhattan. Dr. Bernard Lander founded the school —which he named after colonial Jewish-American leaders and philanthropists ...
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Prof. Robert Laub, Director of The Writing Center, has condensed the Logical Sequencing Formula to “The Three Cs:” Clear, Concise, Common Sense. As a writer, one of your primary goals is to be sure ...
Established in 1970 to focus on higher education for the Jewish community and humanity, we enrolled our first class in September 1971. Today, Touro is the largest higher education system under Jewish ...
Cheating is defined as improperly obtaining and/or using unauthorized information or materials to gain an advantage on work submitted for evaluation. Providing or receiving assistance unauthorized by ...