What is the average price of an apartment/flat in Alicante? Right now there are 12,517 apartments/flats for sale in Alicante on thinkSPAIN with an average price of € 270,373 and an average price per ...
Spain is divided up into Municipalities which can be a city, town, village, or other local administrative division, e.g. Madrid (city), Benidorm (town) and Árchez (village).
Looking for Monforte del Cid information? Find out more about the characteristics, services and real estate market in Monforte del Cid ...
Looking for Calpe / Calp information? Find out more about the characteristics, services and real estate market in Calpe / Calp ...
SOARING home prices last year reached levels not recorded since the height of the property boom and more than doubled increases seen in 2023, with the southern region of Andalucía leading the field.
What is the average price of a finca/country house in Alicante? The average price of the 1,439 fincas/country houses for sale in Alicante is € 299,368, with an average cost of € 1,499/m2.
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What is the average price of a wooden/mobile home in Spain? Right now there are 11 wooden/mobile homes for sale in Spain on thinkSPAIN with an average price of € 165,000 and an average price per ...
What is the average price of a property in Canary Islands? The average price of the 6,126 properties for sale in Canary Islands is € 481,760, with an average cost of € 3,599/m2. Which places in Canary ...
What is the average price of a finca/country house in Valencia? There are 172 fincas/country houses for sale in Valencia on thinkSPAIN. The average price is € 250,000, with an average price per square ...
What is the average price of a bungalow in Canary Islands? Based on 104 bungalows for sale in Canary Islands, the average price is € 487,000. As a guideline when looking for a bungalow to buy, keep in ...
Looking for Donostia-San Sebastián information? Find out more about the characteristics, services and real estate market in Donostia-San Sebastián ...