Tencent Games, the world's leading platform for game development, publishing and operations, today announced it will showcase ...
We believe that business can offer innovative solutions that create social value and serve the public good.
騰訊啓動碳尋計劃二期 全球範圍徵集氣候創新技術。 騰訊正式啓動碳尋計劃二期(CarbonX Program 2.0) 有朋自遠方來,歡迎使用微信支付! 騰訊正全面提升外籍人士在華支付體驗,以促進國際旅遊進一步蓬勃發展和國際人文交流。 生成式人工智能迅速興起,推動 ...
Promote low-carbon lifestyles and green consumption habits through the development of sustainability-themed mini programs inside Weixin app and games. Facilitate a low-carbon transformation for the ...
We use first-party performance, analytics and tracking Cookies through an external service (Google Analytics and Metricool Tracker) to statistically analyse how Tencent.com is accessed, used, or is ...
Tencent is committed to helping brands harness the full potential of their IP. This includes new ways to engage consumers, like via video games, as well as through expansive communications services ...
Tencent is committed to strengthening its corporate culture, which is built upon our values, vision, and purpose. Our values are Integrity, Proactivity, Collaboration, and Creativity. Integrity means ...