Today the RSB announces the launch of its new five-year strategy, from 2025-2030, and the unveiling of our new brand.
Pursuing a career in biology is stimulating and rewarding. The RSB support biologists with career advice, professional recognition and training events.
SciberMonkey is an excellent website that points students and teachers to thousands of resources spanning age 5-16 biology chemistry and physics. The Practical Biology website has a wide variety of ...
The Outreach and Engagement Award is intended to acknowledge and reward outreach work carried out by researchers who inform, enthuse and engage the public with their research.
The resources are aimed at post-16 students taking biology (or related subjects) to A level, Scottish Higher or similar level. These will also be of use to first year undergraduates studying biology.
Join us for the RSB's first ever virtual science festival! Since we are all staying home a lot more, we launched our first ever online science festival, bringing a range of videos, activities, games ...
The Viscount Stansgate FRSB addressed the House of Lords during a debate on Friday 17 January 2025 on the Consumer Products ...
The Society of Biology, along with the Society for Endocrinology and the Royal Veterinary College, were at Green Man Festival this year with our Love Zoo and lots of fun activities, games, animals and ...
Jen provides support to the chief executive, council and senior management team and manages human resources. Mark is responsible for overall strategy of the RSB’s membership and activities relating to ...
Some fungal species appear to be able to use strong radiation as an energy source for growth. Tom Ireland explores the exciting potential of these understudied organisms In the late 1980s Ukrainian ...
Fellow (FRSB): £223 (One off application fee of £18) Discounts of up to 50% are available* to those who are in full-time education, retired, unemployed or on a career break, as well as for members of ...
The role of the Careers Committee is to support and inform career-related decision making for students and other stakeholders. The committee will advise on the Society's strategies, policies and ...