Some major decisions on the future of reproductive rights and access to abortion are active in our courts right now. Some of ...
The Trump administration has already shown its capacity to deliver devastating blows to reproductive rights, dismantle access to essential health care, and put lives in genuine danger. But now is not ...
The global gag rule (also known as the Mexico City policy) is a dangerous anti-abortion policy that risks the health and lives of women and girls around the world. The global gag rule prevents foreign ...
In 1965 the Supreme Court ruled on a case concerning a Connecticut law that criminalized the use of birth control. It signified the court’s belief that people should be free from the unnecessary ...
Stay on top of breaking news in the world of reproductive health and rights, including how you can fight back against attacks. We'll also keep you updated on major policy decisions and elections in ...
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With winning candidates at every level, it's clear that pro-abortion and sexual and reproductive healthcare candidates are poised to make an impact.
There is much to defend — but we’re up for the task. From the time Margaret Sanger opened the country’s first birth control clinic (only to be arrested), Planned Parenthood staff and supporters have ...
“Ours to Tell” is the story of four people who live full and empowered lives because they had the freedom to access abortion. This film comes as communities of color, LGBTQ people, and many others are ...
Healthcare for women, our rights, and our communities are facing unprecedented attacks. Despite the fact that birth control is essential health care and the key to women’s economic and social ...
This page is controlled and operated by Planned Parenthood Advocates of Arizona. The Planned Parenthood Action Fund works to advance access to sexual health care and defend reproductive rights.
Sign up for email alerts on the latest reproductive rights fights and ways to take action. Planned Parenthood supporters across the state are hosting events. Find one ...