We are vendor neutral and platform agnostic. This means that you get unbiased testing and appraisal of any and every environment. We keep a very clear and level head too. We are not fazed by high ...
We have talented testers for virtually any scenario, a bold claim but true nonetheless. We’ve provided a sample of the types of pen testing we conduct, it’s not exhaustive but gives a flavour of what ...
We’re only as good as the people in our team, so we’re always looking for great people. Maybe that’s you? PTP is acutely aware of the lack of diversity in our industry, and are keen to address that.
Cybersecurity communities and groups are an excellent opportunity to network and learn There are OWASP, DEF CON, 2600, university hacking societies, Meetup communities and more to choose from They ...
To become a CE+ assessor, I had to take the Vulnerability Assessment Plus (VA+) exam, which is split into two parts: a practical element and a multiple-choice section. The exam requires a solid ...
Caching speeds up website content delivery What caching directives are and how to use them The No-cache directive does not prevent caching The No-store directive prevents caching The HTTP ...
Poorly protected authentication requests from privileged automated tasks (e.g. vulnerability scanners, health checks) could be intercepted by rogue authentication servers planted in the internal ...
As ships get bigger, with more automation, fewer crew members, and more connectivity, the attack surface of a modern commercial vessel is becoming as complex and diverse as that of a connected car or ...
For a long time, the primary security model for airplanes has been physical. Airside security controls are there to prevent access by unauthorised personnel. However, as connectivity with e-enabled ...
Rockchip has a structured sequence of bootloaders. Using various plugs can allow access to the MCU’s RAM and storage. There are many utilities to allow reading of information from the MCU. Use this ...
The aviation industry realised some time ago that taking a standard approach to the cyber security of its products was needed and that this was a specialist discipline. A family of documents was ...