In Manitoba, The Child and Family Services Authorities Act establishes four Child and Family Services (CFS) Authorities that are responsible for administering and ensuring child and family services ...
There are a wide range of permits, licences and approvals available on this website. This includes a public registry, licensing of outfitters, issuing of wildlife, fishing and hunting permits and ...
Efficiency & Lower Operating Costs - Geothermal heat pump systems save money. They use the earth's thermal properties to provide unmatched efficiency and operate more efficiently than conventional ...
Manitoba is a vast province rich with natural heritage. As a result, there is pressure to utilize this heritage from a diversity of interests (e.g. forestry, mining, tourism, agriculture, recreation, ...
The Province, through The Planning Act and The City of Winnipeg Charter, sets the legislative framework for land use planning in Manitoba. The Provincial Planning Regulation sets out the Province's ...
Stinging nettle (Urtica dioica L., Urticaceae) is a perennial herb that grows up to 2 m tall from a creeping rootstock. The stem is square, the leaves are opposite and sharply toothed, and both are ...
Lentils grow well on most well drained soil types. Yield can be severely reduced on wet, poorly drained soils, as root diseases will increase. Fields can be rolled post-emergence, up to the 4-6 inch ...
The new Provincial Planning Regulation requires that local planning authorities gather information on a variety of topics, including demographics, land uses and geographical features of the area, in ...
Home care services were established in Manitoba in September 1974. The first of its kind, home care in Manitoba is the oldest comprehensive, province-wide, universal service in Canada. Home care is ...
The Legislative Assembly of Manitoba is currently in Session. The 2nd Session of the 43rd Legislature resumed on March 5, 2025.
The Small Business Venture Capital Tax Credit (SBVCTC) provides a non-refundable Manitoba tax credit of up to 45% to individuals and corporations who acquire equity capital in eligible Manitoba ...
For services delivered centrally, such as child care subsidies, income supplement programs (CRISP and 55 PLUS), the Commissioner for Adults Living with an Intellectual Disability, provincial ...