Culinary herbs are both easy and inexpensive to grow. A fresh, home-grown supply of basil, parsley or thyme will cost much less than shrink-wrapped packs from the supermarket and when harvested just ...
Enter now for your chance to enjoy a three-night-stay at HPB Sibton Park, plus receive tickets for the Kent Garden Show ...
Bonne Maman Madeleines are just perfect with a cup of tea when you need a little moment to survey your handiwork in the ...
Around the tranquil waterways and mature trees and shrubs you’ll find extensive herbaceous borders, a bog garden, natural pond, fernery and gravel garden. Take time to sit and relax, and you may well ...
Nothing marks the end of winter like a cheery spring flower. From the first snowdrops and daffodils to classic spring flowers like primroses and hellebores, these blooms are used by gardeners as a ...
Greenhouses are an excellent way for gardeners to create their very own microclimate and nurture crops such as tasty tomatoes, fragrant herbs and peppers that pack a punch. They allow you to create ...
Spectacular traditional herbaceous borders, as well as modern plantings, secret corners and vistas, combine to create an idyllic garden full of flowers, shrubs and trees. With a rose garden, knot ...
Issues with peat-free composts, such as expense, availability and performance have hindered its take up in the past but thankfully, compost manufacturers have responded to these concerns with research ...
Half-hardy annual flower seeds such as zinnia and nasturtium, and summer-flowering bulbs like Eucomis and Nerine, can be planted outside this month, once the risk of frost has passed. Pot-grown fruit ...
Take a leisurely walk through the mature woodland, among the many magnificent rhododendrons, azaleas, magnolias, acers, daffodils and bluebells, past the lake and into the bog garden, where ...
Discover one of the best surviving examples of an Edwardian Arts and Crafts suburban villa garden. Within the seven-acre Grade II listed garden are colour-themed borders, lush streamside plantings, a ...
Full of colour, fragrance and inspiration all year, this 30-acre garden is a unique fusion of East and West. There is a series of ten individual areas to explore, including a Japanese garden with tea ...