The Art of Tinkering: Scott Weaver's 100,000-Toothpick Sculpture of San Francisco ...
Not all shadows are black. Step in front of this wall, and you’ll make shadows of various colors—yellow, magenta, cyan, red, green, blue, and yes, even black—that wiggle, jump, and dance along with ...
Lose yourself in a sudden, swirling mass of fog. In a city notorious for fog, this immense artwork by Fujiko Nakaya intermittently shrouds a pedestrian bridge spanning Piers 15 and 17 with clouds of ...
Planning to visit the museum? The Exploratorium will be closing early on Tuesday, March 25, at 4:30 p.m.
Chaotic Pendulum contains a deceptively simple set of pendulums in a steel and Plexiglas case. A central, T-shaped bar supports three bearing-mounted bars from its ends. The “T” is itself bearing ...
Are you a secondary science teacher ready to bring more inquiry to your classroom?
Would you, could you, will you drink from a water fountain fashioned from an actual—but unused—toilet? Porcelain is just porcelain . . . right?
Reservations are required and advance tickets are strongly recommended. Advance tickets can be purchased by phone for all sessions by calling 415.528.4444 (option 5). Tickets can be purchased on-site ...
The Lighter Side of Wonder: A Conversation with Lena Herzog ...
Take a look at living chicken embryos in various stages of development. It takes just 21 days for an egg to go from just laid to newly hatched chick, and a lot goes on in just the first week. Look ...
Capture a moment in time. A bright flash of light illuminates a phosphorescent wall—imprinting temporary shadows that capture a moment in time.
Wispy lines show the path of tiny, high-energy particles generated by cosmic rays. Look down into the chamber and you’ll see an ongoing cascade of thin white trails appearing and disappearing. These ...