As global financial markets prioritize transparency, sustainability, and corporate accountability, countries worldwide are ...
There is no question that having women in leadership positions boosts economic outputs. One 2014 study on women on boards from the Academy of Management found that “female board ...
Since its first edition emerged on the newsstands in 1999, Executive Magazine has been dedicated to providing its readers with the most up-to-date local and regional business news. Executive is a ...
Gender quotas and inclusion requirements: are they just a window-dressing tool or a driver of real change? For decades, the finance industry worldwide has been predominantly male, with Lebanon’s ...
Sustainable tourism is one important vertical under the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 8, for achieving decent work and economic growth. While the clock is ticking hazardously for ...
This year’s poster child for financial excess surely had to be the Gulf stock markets. We warned on several occasions, in past issues of Executive, that the level of gambling… Since its first edition ...
Since its first edition emerged on the newsstands in 1999, Executive Magazine has been dedicated to providing its readers with the most up-to-date local and regional business news. Executive is a ...
Since its first edition emerged on the newsstands in 1999, Executive Magazine has been dedicated to providing its readers with the most up-to-date local and regional business news. Executive is a ...