Enel S.p.A. (“Enel” or the “Company”) informs that “Enel S.p.A.’s Board of Statutory Auditors Guidelines to Shareholders on the composition of the new Board of Statutory Auditors”, approved on March ...
If you look at our history, you’ll have no doubt about where we're headed. From our beginnings in Italy, our journey has always been dedicated to the future. Enel (originally "Ente Nazionale per ...
Selective capital allocation to maximize riskreturn profile while enhancing flexibility and resiliency of the Group. About 26 billion euros in Grids (+40% compared to the previous Plan), of which ...
Welcome to Enel Grids, a global leader in electricity distribution that ensures the supply of electricity through efficient, resilient, and digital Grids. The resilience of energy Grids is crucial for ...
Roma, 17 marzo 2025 – Enel S.p.A. (“Enel” o la “Società”) informa che gli “Orientamenti del Collegio Sindacale di Enel S.p.A. agli Azionisti sulla composizione del nuovo Collegio Sindacale”, approvati ...
We help you consciously manage your energy consumption, contributing to a more sustainable lifestyle. Our grids bring renewable energy into your home and business, and territories. We produce ...
We are committed to actively shape a better tomorrow, looking beyond the present. We reduce environmental impact with clean, innovative and responsible energy solutions, ensuring a better world for ...
Estamos ante una nueva era para la humanidad y el planeta. Más energía para más personas, nuevas tecnologías por explorar, nuevas formas de trabajar y alianzas inéditas: es lo que llamamos “Open Power ...
Your energy is the greatest resource on the planet. Are you with us? If you want to change the face of energy, you should be teaming up with us. That’s what the Open Power platform is all about. We ...
Each of our four commitments is essential but we can only create value for society if we address them together. We are accelerating the energy generation of the future, the process of decarbonizing ...
This is the approach that underlies our daily commitment and motivates all of us on the Enel team. We work to improve everyone's future, and this goal must be achieved through a new approach that ...
At the heart of Enel's commitment is the zero-emissions ambition for 2040. This is according to a roadmap that’s in line with the Paris goals to limit the average global temperature increase to below ...