Sota Sæter is made up of ten unique, yet traditional Norwegian buildings spread out across the vast property. This is the perfect place to spend a getaway from the chaotic outside world, or even just ...
The Norwegian Trekking Association, Den Norske Turistforening (DNT), operates a large network of lodges/cabins, marked foot trails and ski routes throughout Norway. In Norway's main mountain areas ...
Fondsbu is located in the impressive National Park Jotunheimen at lake Bygdin at Eidsbugarden, a historic tourist destination in the Jotunheimen mountains, ideal for hiking and other outdoor ...
Boat to Memurubu and hike the Besseggen ridge - An all year classic trail. Summit hike to Besshøe (2258 m.a.s.l.) Hike to Gjendehalsen (1143 m.a.s.l) Hike to Bessheim via Gjendehalsen. Return the same ...
When you step into the Sota Sæter yard you are encircled by its charming traditional lodge buildings with the sight of towering mountains in the background, which make it a perfect place to get lost ...
Leirvassbu is one of Norway's big living rooms for mountain enthusiasts. Located in the heart of Jotunheimen, with over 50 peaks over 2000 meters in day trip distance, the place can offer unique ...
This gem of a cabin is located right by Råbjørn - the water that offers both canoeing opportunities and swimming! The cabin is only 200 meters from the road, which is open during the summer months, ...
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Historic Aurlandsdalen Valley one way hike. 16,1 km (7-8 hours). Return to Østerbø by public bus. Langedalen loop trail on unmarked trail via Herdølestølen. 4 km, 1-2 hours via Fossane. 8,3 km, 4-5 ...
DNT where you are Volunteer About DNT Show/hide sub items ...
0 C, vindstille og påfyll av 2 cm snø ga inspirasjon til en fin dag med eller uten ski. Astri, Marit og Oddmund var alt ute på sin første runde rundt tjernet. Og ganske snart kom flere til – også Dag ...
How to get to the mountains varies by season and from destination to destination. There are full service staffed lodges you can get to by public transport and others requiring a car or taxi service ...