From the witness Robert Salas: "I received a call from my security guard who was quite frightened as he reported that an unidentifiable flying object was hovering immediately above the front gate. The ...
Summary: The French Government, and its offical national space agency CNES, will restart its official UFO study program. The French gov't has had an offical program to study UFOs for several decades, ...
Summary: While MJ-12 - the semi-secret body allegedly overseeing the alien ‘problem - and Area 51 - the supposed alien HQ on Earth - are now well known, few people are aware of their origins in the ...
Summary: What may well have been the most notorious of all "scares" involving reptilian beings, involved a combined "invasion" of pterodactylin-hominoid "Mothmen" and "Men In Black". (Here is more on ...
Location: Cheber River, Chaldea (in modern-day Iraq), Of all the UFO accounts in the Bible, the one mentioned most often is Ezekiel's Wheel. One of the passages reads: "This was the appearance and ...
In the Vedic literature of India, there are many descriptions of flying machines that are generally called vimanas. These fall into two cate- gories: (l) manmade craft that resemble airplanes and fly ...
Summary: This is a really fascinating story and the story self has as many supporters as it has debunkers. In 1989, a man named Robert Scott Lazar contacted the Las Vegas television station (KLAS) and ...
The answer is that they do. There are rather well-authenticated cases spanning a wide variety of "physical effects." R ...
Forty-seven years ago, an incident occurred in the southwestern desert of the United States that could have significant implications for all mankind. The incident was announced by the U.S. military, ...
Summary: One of the most unusual aspects of the UFO mystery is the Men in Black (MIB) phenomenon. It involves the subtle intimidation of UFO witnesses by strange visitors dressed almost entirely in ...
Summary: The sighting of strange objects in the sky may actually predate the emergence of modern man. Perhaps the earliest depiction of cylindrical objects resembling spacecraft, with what might be ...
In the late 1960's, the United States Air Force issued a contract to the University of Colorado to carry out a scientific study of evidence concerning the UFO phenomenon. The director of the project ...