Welcome to spring in the Yakima valley. It's time to celebrate the cherry harvest with cherry blossoms. YOU SHOULD START ...
The Yakima Valley will be a haven for wine lovers next month during the annual Spring Barrel Tasting event, happening from ...
Now Washington State officials are looking over state plans for evacuation and other plans in case of a big eruption at Mt.
The affluent town of Catalina Foothills is less than 10 minutes from Tucson and surrounded by the picturesque Santa Catalina ...
Homeland Security has allowed Washington State and Oregon to push back their final deadlines for everybody to get a REAL ID, ...
During the investigation Officers learned that the suspect died after a drug overdose on Saturday night. Police say the ...
Pike Creek offers plenty for outdoor enthusiasts. The town is near White Clay Creek State Park, which features more than ...
A 22-year-old man was arrested last Friday for allegedly making "inappropriate sexual gestures" towards students at Adams ...
Bentonville is the home of the first Walmart and now serves as home to the corporate headquarters, as well as the Walmart ...
Yakima Police call it "risky behavior" after they investigated what was reported as a kidnapping but turned out to be a prank on Monday morning. However no arrests were made.
It was March 15, 1997, when commercial divers Marty Rhode and John Eberle, along with volunteer search-and-rescue divers ...
Authorities say Officer Walter Bullock was turning left onto North First Street at about 4:53 pm when he struck the woman and ...