These fish can swim up to 689 feet (210 meters) deep. In the Gulf of Mexico, Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean Sea, the blackbar soldierfish lives among coral reef communities. Blackbar soldierfish are ...
Mote Marine Laboratory is an Equal Opportunity Employer and actively seeks to diversify its work force. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color ...
Near the Great Barrier Reef, this species lives to 34 years on average. Clown surgeon fish have yellow and blue horizontal striping from their heads to the base of their dark blue, forked tail. Clown ...
As one of the largest crabs on the Pacific coast, Puget Sound king crab shells can grow over 12 inches (30 centimeters). Puget Sound king crabs are bumpy and multicolored, with spots of red, brown, ...
Using its polyp tentacles, finger coral catch and eat smaller marine organisms that drift by. They also have a special algae—called zooxanthellae– in their tissues that photosynthesize the sun's rays ...
These rays produce eggs that hatch inside of their body before birthing live young. Roughtail stingrays live in soft bottom habitats like seagrass meadows, muddy and sandy flats. Sometimes, they'll ...
Males in this species will stay with their eggs and guard them from predators. In the Indo-west Pacific, azure damselfish can be found in lagoons, coastal reefs and near branching coral species. Azure ...
These hogfish have protective armor, called a carapace, that deters predators from eating them. The scrawled cowfish gets its name from the scrawled blue patterning along their yellow-tan body. They ...
Males in this species will guard their eggs and supply them with nutrients they need. Found in the Gulf of Mexico, western Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean Sea, brown chromis fish live near steep slopes ...
This species of lobster doesn't have large front claws, like American lobster. Adult Caribbean spiny lobsters eat snails, crabs and clams. Young lobsters feed on plankton floating by in the water ...
These fish are fairly common in areas with dense Acropora coral growth. Blueline rabbitfish are also called masked rabbitfish because of the mask-like black line running across their face. These fish ...
The small tooth sawfish is one of five species of discovered sawfishes. Smalltooth sawfish can grow up to 16 feet (4.6 meters) long and weight several hundred pounds. These sawfish live in the coastal ...